Quitting the 9-5 - How Freelancing Can Be An Attractive and viable Option 

In a world where work is increasingly viewed as an individual pursuit, people are turning to freelance jobs as their primary career path. The freedom to choose your own working hours, keep all the profits, and not have to worry about a boss is sure to attract many. However, it’s not for everyone.

Moreover, freelancing requires more than just a degree and knowledge of software. It requires a lot of creativity and problem-solving skills as well.
A growing number of businesses rely on freelancers to solve problems and perform tasks. This is a smart way to save costs and hire top talent without the commitment of hiring full-time employees.

The freelance industry has come a long way in recent years and is expected to grow even more in the next decade. The rise of the gig economy, digital work platforms and online talent marketplaces have all helped to commoditize access to highly- qualified freelancers.
This has fueled the freelance boom and allowed companies to tap into a pool of skilled talent that was previously outside their reach. It also allows firms to get to know the capabilities of new freelancers before they commit to full-time employment.

With a strong and growing workforce, employers are looking for flexible, cost- effective ways to source and retain top talent. This means that they are often seeking out freelancers to fill short-term, seasonal surges in demand or to bolster their existing teams with additional expertise.
In a tight labor market, where the majority of global businesses are struggling to find qualified talent for full-time positions, freelancers are an excellent resource for companies. Their flexibility, and their ability to quickly adapt to changing needs, allow them to be a valuable asset in the workforce.

Another major reason that the freelance industry is expanding is that companies need to save money in today’s increasingly volatile economy. This means that they are constantly looking for ways to reduce their operating costs and keep their business running smoothly.
For example, they may utilize a number of freelancers to handle their social media or website management. In addition, they may use a variety of freelancers to develop their digital marketing and content strategies.

When a company can get to know the skill sets of the freelancers they hire, it allows them to make more informed decisions on how to best use these resources to boost their bottom line.
As a result, it’s likely that more and more companies will be using freelancers in the near future. This shift won’t necessarily be an end to the full-time salariat but it does mean that employers will need to rethink their policies and strategies in order to
recruit and retain the best talent in the market.

The key is to build a personal brand and network with potential clients online and offline. This will allow you to build up an impressive portfolio and create opportunities for yourself. If you are able to do this, then you will be well on your way to finding a successful freelance career.

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Des spent most of his professional life in Business Development but made a shift to more meaningful employment in 2015. He wanted to do more of the things he loves and that he is passionate about.

During the “Covid years”, he was unable to work and saw this as an opportunity to re-invent himself. This is when he discovered Affiliate Marketing. He spent quite a lot of time and money buying courses from the so-called “Gurus” out there but nonetheless considered the money well spent. He was able to gather bits and pieces of information from the numerous courses he bought to figure out which business model had a better chance of working. After fifteen months as an online marketer, he now has the financial freedom to live his passion and do more of the things that really matter to him. He also shares some of his insights for free and help other people in their online journey.

Des believes that there is no such thing as a get-rich-quick scheme and that every business will involve a lot of work and dedication for it to work. Things get easier with experience and one must always be eager to learn and grow in a constantly evolving online environment.

Des Clifford

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